Global Day of Unplugging
Minderful has partnered up with Unplug Collective, the organisation behind Global Day of Unplugging, to celebrate #globaldayofunplugging from Friday 3 March - Saturday 4 March (sundown to sundown).
In the run-up, the Minderful team are pledging to take a break from technology and to help reconnect with each other and our community. This is a chance to pause the daily hustle and bustle of life and take time to relax, reflect, and appreciate the wonder of the world around us.
The goal of the day is to elevate human connection over digital engagement.
Over 24 hours, we're encouraging the world to take a break from technology.
It can be 1 hour or a total of 24 hours.
There's no wrong way to observe and celebrate the day. It's about putting down our smartphones, logging out and reconnecting with ourselves, our loved ones and our community.
Why not make your pledge today?
Northampton Unplugged
On the day itself, we'll be hosting an event at Delapré Abbey in Northampton on Friday 3 March (5-6:30pm) where guests will learn about the benefits of unplugging, get creative designing smartphone 'nap sacks' and get active with a wellbeing walk in the 900-year-old abbey gardens.
If you're nearby, then swing by! We'd love to welcome you there.

Tune into our Minderful Live
Minderful Live Ep.2: How to make the most out of a digital detox
We'll also be hosting our second Minderful Live of the year where we'll discuss how the get the most out of logging out of smartphones and screens with three expert panellists.
With us to share their wisdom, are Kenneth Schelnkar (co-founder of the award-winning app Opal), Alex Stanoev (a fitness guru and trainer), and Dr Nick Prior (NHS Psychiatrist & CEO Minderful).
The event will be hosted by Minderful co-founder, James Harrop, and broadcast across our social media channels. Sign up to get the event link below.
Looking for ways to unplug?
Lastly, to truly help you unplug, we put together an unplugging guide.
Digital detoxing is a great way to reset and reconnect with yourself. It can help reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and enhance your overall wellbeing.
Taking a break from the digital world can help you refocus on what is essential in life, such as spending quality time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, and enjoying the moment. It can also help you become more mindful and conscious of how you spend your time, leading to more meaningful experiences.
Download a copy of our e-book below.
So, good luck!
We're looking forward to shutting down, with you.
The Minderful Team
#mentalwellness #globaldayofunplugging #GDU2023 #unplugforacause #unpluggedvillage

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